
Before We Ever Met

Dr. Jake Anderson seems to have the perfect life. He has recently been promoted to the Director of the ICU, and he’s dating the most beautiful woman he’s ever known. But just as he’s about to propose, he receives a call that will change his life forever.

A young teacher, Caydence Simmons, has just been admitted to the ICU. She was struck by a truck while saving the life of a young girl. While she is teetering between life and death, Jake becomes more and more intrigued by his unconscious patient.

As the days pass, Jake hears story after story of how she has touched the lives of her many visitors. Learning more and more about her incredible character and selflessness, he starts questioning his life and what he truly wants. Weeks go by with no signs of improvement. Jake begins to struggle with unwanted feelings for this amazing woman whom he has never met or spoken to and who may never wake up. His only hope depends upon something he doesn’t believe in but desperately hopes for—a miracle.

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