Reflections: A 31 Day Devotional for Women FAQ 1

Welcome back! Today I want to talk about my newest book release, “Reflections: A 31-day Devotional for Women.” It’s now available for purchase on Amazon. To me, devotionals are like your dessert after a meal. They aren’t meant to replace your time in God’s word but are a little extra treat to go with it. They are to see what God has done or revealed in someone’s life that can also be an encouragement to you.

A few years ago, I felt like God was telling me that He had something about Himself to reveal to us every day. Whether it’s from circumstances, something found in His word, or found even in His creation. Many of these devotionals come from my journal of these revelations over the years. I in no way would be considered a spiritual giant. However, I feel every Christian has stories, testimonies, and lessons God has shown them. These devotionals are a few of mine. My prayer is that God will use them in some way to encourage you!

I am currently working on the third and final book in the “Unexpected Love” series for those interested. I’m hoping to release it in January 2023.  

If you’ve read and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I would love to hear your thoughts. Also, for more information on future books and giveaways, please visit my website and subscribe to my blog at

Thanks again for reading! I pray your day is blessed!