Reflections: A 31 Day Devotional for Women FAQ2

Hello again! I’m glad you’re here. Today I want to tell you more about my devotional, “Reflections: A 31 Day Devotional for Women.” The cover of this book was created by my husband. This was a very nice change because it was free. I am very pleased with the results. He did a fantastic job! To answer a common question I get, that is not me on the cover. Even my mother thought it was. I really enjoyed putting this small book together. I wrote many entries outside while watching my two- and four-year-old boys play. If you’ve read it, you can see that my children give me much inspiration.

This devotional was a little more challenging because it was about me and my experiences, not fiction. I am a very private person. My senior quote in high school was, “If you want everyone to know everything about you, write a book.” I’m sure when I made that statement years ago, God chuckled. Years ago, I would have never considered writing a book. Maybe a screenplay, but not a novel, and especially not a devotional. Yet here I am doing what I never thought I would ever do. I love how God changes my plans. His are always so much better than my own. I want to thank each of you who has purchased, read, or left a review/rating for any of my books. It truly means so much to me!

For those interested, I am currently finishing up the third and final book in the “Unexpected Love” series. I’m hoping to release it in January 2023. I am also working on a contemporary romance novel that I hope to release in the spring of 2023.

If you’ve read and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I would love to hear your thoughts. Also, for more information on future books and giveaways, please visit my website and subscribe to my blog at

Thanks again for reading! I pray you and your family have an amazing Thanksgiving!