How I Started Writing

Hello! Thank you for coming back. Here’s a little bit about my first book “I’ll See You on Friday.” It took me a little over a year to write. I got tired of watching shows, movies, or reading books that didn’t end well. After I would watch or read them, I would imagine a completely different ending that I would have enjoyed more. Then one day I thought why not just write your own book. So, I started writing as a hobby. Whenever I had a free minute, I would jot thoughts down. I began staying up later than I should. On nights where it was hard to sleep, I would plan out ideas and then write it down the next morning. When my husband realized how serious I was about it, he purchased me a Chrome Book which is what I use for typing. It’s portable and has a long battery life, so it’s great for my hectic schedule. With six loud children in the house, my writing conditions are sporadic and less than ideal, but by God’s help and inspiration it gets done. I’ve never considered myself to be a writer, but I’ve always loved coming up with a good story.

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